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Questions & Answers

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Where can I buy tickets?

The ticket store is accessible via the "Tickets" tab on this website and via www.reservix.de

Are the normal admission tickets valid as a combined ticket for RMV transportation? And in which period?

The RMV combi-ticket is valid for the outward journey (from 5 hours before the start of the event) and for the return journey (until the end of service) in all RMV 2nd class means of transport; 1st class only with a surcharge. If your ticket includes a combined ticket, you will see the RMV logo on it.

Do children get free admission?

Children up to the age of 6 are admitted free of charge, but are not entitled to a seat. An ID card must be shown when asked by security staff.

What is a family ticket?

A family ticket (only available for Sunday afternoons) includes tickets for two adults and two children (up to the age of 16).

What discounts/reductions are available?

We offer a variety of discounts and reductions. However, it is important to know that discounts do not apply to 1st category tickets and all-day tickets on Saturday and Sunday.

25% discount for orders of 20 or more tickets per event section (group ticket)

20% discount for pupils, students, pensioners, severely disabled persons

15% discount for PM members

15% discount for members of the armed forces

Wheelchair users only category 1 minus 20% each for the wheelchair user and one companion

Severely disabled persons with a B in their ID card 20% each for the severely disabled person and companion.

Valid IDs must be presented to the security staff without being asked.

The discounts can be selected online during the booking process.

Can tickets be canceled?

Unfortunately, tickets cannot be returned, canceled or exchanged. You will be expressly informed of the binding nature of a ticket order during the ordering process and in the Reservix General Terms and Conditions.

Please note: The Distance Selling Act does not apply to ticket orders.

The background to this is that sporting, leisure and cultural events of all kinds would be almost impossible to plan and carry out economically with a two-week right of withdrawal and return. This is also the view of the legislator, which is why the Distance Selling Act expressly does not apply to the contract concluded between you and the organizer for the provision of a service in the area of leisure activities 312g para. 2 no. 9 BGB.

Can I resell my ticket?

Of course, tickets can be passed on to family members or friends if you are unable to attend.

However, the commercial resale of tickets - for example on auction platforms - is not permitted.

How do IFRF ticket vouchers work?

You can redeem a voucher by clicking on "I would like to redeem a voucher" in step three of the order process ("Order"). Simply enter the 13- or 14-digit voucher code. The elegant gift envelopes produced exclusively for Reservix can be added to your order at the end of the ordering process if you are sending it by post. The delivery time for postal delivery depends on the payment method. When redeeming the voucher, the remaining value on the voucher may be too low for payment. In this case, an additional payment is possible. Several vouchers can be redeemed at the same time. Reservix ticket vouchers are valid until the end of the third calendar year following their issue.

Arrival and parking

When do the various sections of the event start?

Admission is half an hour in the morning before the start of the first stage. For afternoon and evening events, admission to the shopping area is two hours before the start of the event and half an hour before admission to the stands.

Where can visitors to the IFRF park?

Discounted parking is available on the exhibition grounds in parking deck P4: Katharinenkreisel, 60486 Frankfurt am Main (access via Gate North).

What entrances are there and where are they located?

As a visitor to the International Festhalle Horse Show, you have the option of using two different entrances.

The 'City Entrance' can be seen directly from the streetcar and subway station and is located next to the Messeturm.

The 'Entrance LEA (Ludwig Erhard Anlage)' is located next to the Maritim Hotel/Congress Center and the Festhalle.

You can also find further information on how to get there at https://festhalle.messefrankfurt.com/frankfurt/en/anreise.html

General questions about the event

Are dogs allowed on the event grounds?

Please note that dogs are NOT allowed on the entire event grounds.

Who do I contact for press accreditation?

You can find out about the requirements and obtain accreditation via our press office. More detailed contact information will be published on our website in the course of the year.

How can I participate in the tournament's social projects?

Every year, a regional association that supports socially disadvantaged children and families receives the gifts from the Christmas tree campaign. You are welcome to bring along wrapped gifts, with an external label indicating whether the gift is for a girl or a boy and for which approximate age group. The Christmas tree is located on the second floor of the Forum Festhalle, directly in front of the shopping area.

Who can I contact if I have further questions about the event?

If you have any further questions, you can send us a Facebook message at any time or send an email with your question and contact details to connects@schafhof.com