
Schafhof Connects joins forces with Sports for Future

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The fact that equestrian sport is still in its infancy when it comes to sustainability is probably no secret to anyone who is a little closer to the sport.

But it is precisely this mammoth task that Schafhof Connects now wants to take on more and more. Together with Sports for Future, the company is currently developing ideas and working on projects to make further progress on this important topic.

"Equestrian sport is unique in many ways compared to other sports. Not only do we have the honor of sharing our passion with our partner, the horse, but we are also the only sport, for example, that is an Olympic sport and both men and women are allowed to compete against each other. Equestrian sport also has a comparatively large target group that it appeals to. With the help of the cooperation with Sports for Future, we want to launch concrete climate protection projects at our events that motivate all participants to follow suit and get involved," says Matthias Rath, Managing Director of Schafhof Connects.

"In times of many threatening crises, especially in view of the challenges posed by the climate crisis, we need community and strong players who take a stand and set an example. Sport has a special gift for this.It's great that equestrian sport is now taking on responsibility in this special way with Schafhof Connects. We are very much looking forward to working together," says Stefan Wagner, 1st Chairman of Sports for Future.

(Schafhof Connects/pe&pa)

Die Schafhof Connects GmbH & Co. KG:
Schafhof Connects GmbH & Co. KG has been around since the early 2000s, at that time under a different name and with different personnel. However, the values that are still very important to Schafhof Connects today have always been the same.

The idea of establishing itself as an organizer of major events began with the UNICEF festivals, which have been organized independently at Schafhof since the early 2000s. Over the years, not only the events but also the content and expertise have evolved.

"Connects", this word expresses and reflects much of what the Schafhof and the Linsenhoff-Rath family have stood for over the decades. The Schafhof connects, it brings people and horses from all over the world together, preserves traditions, creates innovations and guarantees incomparable experiences.

In our projects, we are characterized by versatility, professionalism, innovation awareness, experience and a unique mix of technical expertise paired with good sensitivity for people.

With a focus on equestrian sports, there is probably no other comparable place that has preserved so much tradition from the family's own history. The Linsenhoff-Rath family lives these traditions with heart and soul. Because at the Schafhof, tradition is more than just a habit or a ritual that is performed year after year. Tradition is the culture of a family, a company or even a place - the Schafhof is tradition.

Tradition needs innovation and innovation needs tradition. Only those who set themselves long-term goals can implement traditions innovatively and achieve success. Standing still is a foreign concept at the Schafhof. Ideas emerge, projects continue to develop and the Schafhof story continues to be written. Moving with the times, but building on the tried and tested.

Sports for Future:
With over 300 supporters from clubs, associations, athletes, fans and sponsors, the registered association Sports for Future represents more than 22 million athletes. These include prominent supporters such as TSG Hoffenheim, the German Football Association and Fabian Hambüchen.

Based on scientific findings, Sports for Future campaigns for compliance with the Paris Climate Agreement. Sports for Future wants to bring sustainability impulses into sport and bring it together to jointly tackle the challenges of the climate crisis. Sport is to be used as a platform to bring the topic of climate protection closer to people in their everyday lives.

The association's Sports4Trees initiative supports reforestation projects of various partner projects (e.g. WWF, myclimate) in the Global South through campaigns with event organizers, clubs, athletes and schools.